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Detoxify Your Body: Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a carbon based substance that has been used for health and healing purposes for over 3000 years.  Activated carbon is a form of charcoal that is extremely porous and able to attract and strongly bind many harmful substances in various aqueous...

Humidity and Your Health

High humidity causes health problems The most easily noticeable consequences of relative humidity rising over 60% and above are the air feeling stale, your hair getting frizzy, and feeling hotter than it really is. That’s because more humidity in the air means your...

Major Health Myths Busted!

Myth #1: Eating Fat Makes You Fat: TRUTH: Diets high in omega 3 fatty acids and saturated fats are linked to lower rates of obesity and better overall health. Man-made fats (trans-fats) and refined vegetable oils are inflammatory and disrupt metabolism. HOW: Good fats...

The Benefits of Grounding

Grounding Your Body for Optimal Health: Walking barefoot on the earth has been a key aspect of human and animal life since the beginning of time.  Over the past few generations, humans have created footwear that insulates us from the natural energies of the Earth....

Colorful Food Means Healthier You

    For generations parents have urged children to eat their greens. Now science has shown there is sense in the advice as vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain powerful antioxidants which reduce the risk of cancer and other health problems. But...