(210) 521-6886 [email protected]

Activated charcoal is a carbon based substance that has been used for health and healing purposes for over 3000 years.  Activated carbon is a form of charcoal that is extremely porous and able to attract and strongly bind many harmful substances in various aqueous based environments. Activated carbon is made when wood, vegetables, and other materials and is known for its ability to filter toxins out of the water and human body.

In 2008, a Chinese chemical company had an accidental explosion that released massive quantities of toxic benzene into a river, which provides the drinking water for over 10 million people in the city of Harbin.  The Chinese government used activated charcoal to filter out the benzene from the river. The addition was a success and saved the village from a near fatal exposure to toxic benzene.

Charcoal is most often made from burning wood or coconut husk in very high heat without the presence of oxygen.  This `activation` process creates millions of little pores within the charcoal material. These pores take in and hold large amounts of liquid and toxic debris. Activated charcoal has been shown to catch and hold more than 100 times its own weight in outside materials. This property makes activated charcoal a powerful resource to seize and eliminate toxins from the air, water, and even from within the human body when used correctly.

Activated charcoal is said to adsorb foreign materials rather than absorb them.  Sponges absorb liquids but do not bind them and therefore they can be squeezed right out.  On the flip side, substances like charcoal that adsorb actually bind the toxins so they cannot escape.  When toxins and other impurities interact with charcoal they are bound tightly at a molecular level and cannot escape.

Activated charcoal is good at trapping other carbon-based impurities (“organic” chemicals) that are commonly found in pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and other industry and environmental pollutants. Additionally, charcoal has been shown to be effective at binding to chlorine, viruses, bacteria, and their metabolic byproducts and toxic secretions.  It is estimated that daily use of activated charcoal reduces the toxic load in the human body by over 60%. The activated carbon itself is not consumed by the gut but is eliminated in the feces.

Activated charcoal is very mild and does not interfere with the natural mucus lining of the intestines. It is great at binding to toxic gases, Candida, parasites, and other physical impurities and renders them harmless. Bloating, flatulence, and constipation are relieved.  Charcoal supplementation is best when bound with fibers such as psyllium powder or celery seed powder and good levels of hydration.

Tips Before Taking Activated Charcoal

1. Never take activated charcoal at the same time of day as other supplements.  Give yourself at least 2 hrs between use.

2. Because activated charcoal will bind to certain medications please advise your doctor before using this if you are taking medications.

3. Be sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water while using activated charcoal.

4. Activated charcoal should be combined with a good fiber source such as psyllium powder or celery seed powder that will effectively push the charcoal through the intestines and out in the feces.

5. Take before bed & 3-4 hours after eating dinner